Editing & Proofreading Services in Irvine, CA

Writing, Editing, & Proofreading Services in Irvine, CA

Top editing and proofreading services available 24/7.

At Editor World, the top English editing and proofreading services marketplace, we know that your documents influence your reputation and ability to move toward your personal and professional goals. Our native-English professional editors help individuals, businesses, and organizations in the Irvine, California area, including Oak Creek, Turtle Rock, University Park, and beyond, improve and finalize important documents. Editor World’s mission is to provide fast, affordable editing and proofreading services that help you present your documents with confidence. Our editing and proofreading services platform has the benefit of allowing you to choose your editor to provide personalized editing services, and our prices for editing and proofreading services are transparent. View our low prices for professional editing and proofreading services using our instant price calculator.


Rates for Editing and Proofreading Services


Top-rated editing and proofreading services by native English editors.

Editor World is the top editing and proofreading services marketplace for writers, business professionals and small businesses, entrepreneurs, academic faculty, researchers, graduate students, writers, and other professionals in the Irvine, California area. Our fast, affordable, and convenient editing and proofreading services help our clients excel. When you submit your document to Editor World, you can be certain that the editing services provided by our native-English editors will help you reach your goals.


  • University professors, academic researchers, doctoral students, scientists, and others at universities in the Irvine, California area, including the University of California, trust the professional editing team at Editor World when they need to produce error-free journal articles, book manuscripts, research papers, course materials, and other academic documents. Editor World’s professional editors have extensive experience responding to the academic editing and proofreading service needs of academic faculty, researchers, and students in the Irvine, California area and beyond. The professional editing panel at Editor World includes university faculty, published writers, and business professionals who are editing experts.


  • Writers and authors in the Irvine, California area, from the Original Irvine Ranch to Irvine Regional Park, are regular users of Editor World’s fast, affordable editing and proofreading services. If you need to quickly and easily finalize your book manuscripts and other written materials, the professional editing team at Editor World can help. All members of our editing team are native English speakers with extensive editing experience.


  • Businesses, entrepreneurs, and organizations in the Irvine, California area use the fast, affordable business editing and proofreading services of Editor World to perfect every type of business document imaginable. For business owners preparing website and marketing materials, entrepreneurs launching new businesses in the Irvine area, business professionals attracting new clients in Oak Creek or Turtle Park, and executives applying for a job in California or another location, the professional editing team at Editor World can help. Our professional editors have decades of experience revising business proposals, handbooks, marketing materials, and other important business documents. Our editing team includes editors with advanced degrees, including MBAs and other business degrees, who have the experience and expertise necessary to help you excel.


  • Is Korean, Mandarin, Cantonese, Spanish, French, or another language your native language but you are required to write and present documents in English? English as a Second Language writers in the Irvine, California area and beyond rely on Editor World’s professional editing team when writing important English documents. Editor World’s professional ESL editors help writers in more than 60 countries around the world, including many professionals and writers in the Irvine, California area. Our editors are experts at helping non-native English speakers present their ideas and expertise in English documents.


  • Editor World’s top-rated editing and proofreading services are used by writers, researchers, and professionals in the Irvine, California area and around the globe. Our professional document editors are here to help you finalize every written document you’re creating, including journal articles, website content, fiction and nonfiction books, business documents, marketing materials, manuscripts, and more. The fast, affordable editing and proofreading services provided by the native-English editors at Editor World leave you completely satisfied every time you submit a document.


  • Irvine, California residents looking for editing and proofreading services by native English editors rely on Editor World’s professional editors to create well-written, error-free documents. Choose your professional editor and submit your file today for editing and proofreading services that you can count on. All editors on our panel are native English speakers from the United States, United Kingdom, or Canada who have passed a stringent editing skills test and have years of experience providing professional editing and proofreading services.


View Available Professional Editors


The best editing and proofreading services in Irvine, California.

As the top American editing and proofreading services marketplace, Editor World focuses on providing reliable editing services and our clients in the Irvine, California area appreciate the quality of editing and affordable rates. With excellent ratings on a variety of review websites, including the Better Business BureauGoogle Search, and Facebook, you can submit your documents for editing by the Editor World team with confidence. Choose your professional editor and communicate with the editor through our internal message system. Editor World’s professional editors are experts who know the value of high-quality editing services and customer service. We can edit and return your documents in as soon as 2 hours (word limits apply).


Editing and Proofreading Service Prices


Direct communication with your professional editor.

To learn more about our professional editing team, view profiles on the Editors tab of our website. You can choose your editor based on the editor’s education, experience, skills, and previous client ratings and reviews. The Editor World transaction process for editing and proofreading services is simple, our editors are experts, and our rates for editing and proofreading services are affordable. Click below to learn more about our editors.


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